Monday, 19 January 2009
Monday, 12 January 2009
Mighty Boosh Nottingham 2009
"Ice cream, ice cream" "If I wanted ice cream I would have said by now, surely everyone has fucking ice cream by this time!"
"It's a mixture of chav and Chinese, I call it Chavese" "Really?" "Yees!" "That's just South African!"
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Whilst sorting out the top of my wardrobe...
...which is where all of my old school books and files of tests are (I was moving it all around up there so I can actually find things), I found this:
Cheers Brandon, I had forgotten about that!
Oh, and the post of Tom's birthday back in December is up, but you don't care about it anymore, so who cares. If you do, just find it in the posts done in December.
Monday, 5 January 2009
New camera!
So, it's 4th hand, knackered, doesn't have a charger as yet, is just 5 megapixel, and is probably less than 1-chip. I have had to maked o with a camera bag than was formerly a CD sleeve bag, I don't have any editing software apart from movie maker, and the camera battery cover is lucky if it shuts properly. In fact, I don't think it does at all! Oh well, video blogs are better than photo blogs, right? So I'll do those instead. Oh, and to be honest, I don't think I'll do that most recent skeg blog properly, I'll just upload those photos, you'll have to caption them. I might say when they were, that's all. Can't be arsed with it anymore, as it wasn't much of a trip anyway. You'll have to find it.

The new camera taken with the old camera. Doubt I'll ever use the old one again, useless thing. I feel a bit sad about that!
Thursday, 1 January 2009
New Year
So, that's it. 2008 is finished. Nothing to say really, it's just a supposedly big thing. New years resolutions for me are to be more positive, and not to object stupidly anymore. Not too happy really, rolling in the new year with a sore throat, a pulled gluteus medius, and not having seen or talked to anyone or skated in 2 weeks. Sound like nothing, but I hate it all the same. Not being able to get hold of people is so shit, especially when the reason is that they're out, and you want to talk to them because you can't go out and haven't done for weeks. Plus skating doesn't get me as stoked as it used to, and I don't like that at all. It's hard to be positive when how your feeling is anything but positive, so I guess that new years resolution is going to be harder to keep than originally anticipated.
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