Leaving the house.

Annoying Foxy with the flash. It's actually quite good!

The crowd (and gay rights for the alphabet (completely on the left, half way up)

Future Sailors as an intro, genius!

Bollo (and his clock) pushing Tony Harrison of the stage after his Parkinson-alike slot with a Polish comedian!
"Ice cream, ice cream" "If I wanted ice cream I would have said by now, surely everyone has fucking ice cream by this time!"

"I am Sunflash!"
"It's a mixture of chav and Chinese, I call it Chavese" "Really?" "Yees!" "That's just South African!"

Haha, Alex's face! Probably a replica of mine after walking out of the show with just my ticket to show for it, as the program was bloody £12, never mind anything else, and I only had a fiver, with which I was planning on buying some form of poster, which they didn't even have!

Foxy wearing my hoodie, which resulted in it smelling of her perfume for 3 days after!

And to finish off, Alex ringing his mother to transport us back home, and whilst dropping Foxy off I asked "is West Bridgeford as big as Grantham?". Yeah geography!