The new camera taken with the old camera. Doubt I'll ever use the old one again, useless thing. I feel a bit sad about that!
Monday, 5 January 2009
New camera!
So, it's 4th hand, knackered, doesn't have a charger as yet, is just 5 megapixel, and is probably less than 1-chip. I have had to maked o with a camera bag than was formerly a CD sleeve bag, I don't have any editing software apart from movie maker, and the camera battery cover is lucky if it shuts properly. In fact, I don't think it does at all! Oh well, video blogs are better than photo blogs, right? So I'll do those instead. Oh, and to be honest, I don't think I'll do that most recent skeg blog properly, I'll just upload those photos, you'll have to caption them. I might say when they were, that's all. Can't be arsed with it anymore, as it wasn't much of a trip anyway. You'll have to find it.