An accidental sighting of Ben Grove the moment Shipman appeared was good! The fact he was listening to the same band the guy was singing to was weird as well!
"Random outburst" as Shipman put it, whilst waiting for Ed to tie his shoes!
Ed and his nuggets, he couldn't just leave them now could he?
SPF 50. Ed saved my life! Lukas refused to supply me with any, and his claim that you didn't need it was brutally proved wrong when he burnt so bad he could barely shower!
Lukas showing off his newly scraped hand due to a stone that threw him to the floor at 100MPH despite going at about 1! Anyway, he then discovered it was "just a bit of manky skin he pulled off", which he talked about for the next hour...
Coathanger art. Ed's stoked, as you can see. Lukas texting Pepsi. He won nothing of course. And Ed did as well. Same goes!
Filming Alex doing a wallie. Which was a lot better than it looks here, it was so clean, far and high!