Monday 22 December 2008

Triumph! Yes!

The mother and I have just finished the month long process of backing up over 20GB of files, moving them all literally in 1GB sized loads onto the laptop, trying to fix everything that went wrong with every possible solution for McAfee, and the internet and browsers. The reason we had to do this, in short, is that McAfee would not update, and as such it was scanning, but scanning with an old version for viruses that were 2 or 3 years old, and because they were not in use anymore we thought the computer was fine, but we were of course open to all of the new viruses, and they came streaming in. It's been screwed for months, but recently it has managed to: make fake invoices for membership purchases costing £50 on a site none of us had ever been on, stop McAfee updating, cause screensavers to change to porn, change homepages, stop links off sites going to where they were supposed to and instead went to things like car dealerships and internet helpdesks (at best), and probably other things we didn't know about. So, we tries fixing McAfee. No joy, whatever we did. We tried 3 system restores. Nope. So we got fed up of it and just put it back to factory defaults, the way it had been when we first got the computer 4 years ago: clean as a whistle, but with nothing on it. And it works now! So now the process of re-favouriting pages, putting music, videos and podcasts back on, doing a full scan every time one of us finishes putting our files back on just to make sure (and Mcafee will catch things now because its updated), etc. I've nearly finished mine and I've been on all morning since 9 O'clock. My eyes are actually blurring and going unfocused. Ah well, mine's the biggest batch, so hopefully I'll be done by the end of the day. YES!!!!!

PS. Turns out that that Vilmax Pills advert I saw in every advert banner on the internet, the ones that I mentioned in the last PoTD, was part of the virus too!