Wednesday 17 December 2008

Post of the Day 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27

Bloody hell, here we go:
19. People are never 100% nice all the time
20. Sometimes it is best to just accept someones view and tell them to fuck off in your head, not through your mouth.
21. Nicknames stick, nip 'em before you keep 'em
22. Keeping on top of it is the best way to get it out of the way
23. Get revenge, it's the best feeling in the world
24. If your computer fucks up, the LAST resort is a technician. Get your dog to help before them, the dog might not help but at least it won't charge you the equivalent of your house
25. On a related note, don't let your computer fuck up too much.
26. Don't download risky things.
27. Ahhh shit, I got nothin'... meh, "Try Vilmax pills".

Have a good one.