Wednesday 31 December 2008

No More POTD

Because I don't do POTD on time everyday and I can't be bothered with working out what number post I am on, or how many more to do to catch up only to fall behind the next day I have decided that POTD is no longer much use (if it ever was) and I have resolved not to do it anymore. So, from now on my blog will be tailored solely towards the needs of me. So that means no more POTD, but continuing sporadic random posts of videos and pictures, and far-too-lengthly posts of holidays and trips. Oh, and check back in older posts, as posts that I have just left as drafts (such as the latest (for me) Skeg trip) are going to be finished and/ or posted up. In esscence, "older posts" will have newer content.

Have a nice new years eve, and I hope you had a rad as fuck christmas.

RIP Arthur Hunt.