Friday 11 March 2011

Nicholls got good music taste

MC Solaar. "The only notable French rapper during the 90s". I borrowed 'Cinquième As' from my French teacher at school, the inimitable Mr. Nicholls, and definately didn't regret it. Despite not understanding a large part of it (it's French rap, they speak quick enough as it is!), his flow and delivery vastly makes up for it, and from the sections I do understand, it's easy to see CA is a really poignant album. Similar to with Method Man and Redman's 'Blackout!', I find it really hard to pick a favourite track, but the title track ('Le Cinquième As') and 'L'Homme Qui Voulait Trois Milliards' (below) are pretty high up there.

Mc solaar l'homme qui voulait 3 milliard by Tribaliste