Friday 4 December 2009

The mind of Brandon Crane during a chemistry lesson:

Brandon, instead of doing the work/ notes, decided to write what he was thinking down. Here it is typed exactly as he's written it...

ain't it just.
Shut up, im annoyed.
for fuck sake, I hate bough
Heh Heh Heh
I don't like writing my thoughts
why is kanye west the perfect 'black name?'
paranormal activity, I missed out
8 thoughts until now
9 thought, now 10
tom likes movies WAY TOO MUCH!
whaa... Brun!
Through the wire by Kanye West
Just changing song
what should I choose
oo, soulja boi! heh heh.
(drawn quaver note) kiss me through the phone (drawn quaver note)
Stop writing on my most prized posession
what are you laughing at?
Ive just noticed I dance without thinking
(drawn quaver note) da da da da, da da (drawn quaver note)
(drawn quaver note) hey!, what's wrong with you? (drawn quaver note)
why do I doodle on everything
I need a debit card. (want)
(the face you get on MSN when you type :O ) Tombo just swore 'shit'
I (the heart you get on MSN when you type (L) ) Yak
Flavour video is now online, woooo!
half an hour is equal to 30 minutes
I can't be arsed now.
I hate hough for making me do this.

We all knew Brun's head was a land of wonder!