Good way to start things off!

A list of bullshits, a cup of coffee and a new Sidewalk. And a flapjack. I managed to spill the coffee down myself when I had taken the lid off, not put it back on properly, and then drank out of it. All over my light grey and white inside hoodie, and my Jack Wills t-shirt. Cleaned off though!

Fisheye of Alex's hat and a bottle of Irn-Bru. You can see the actual size of the bottle on the right hand side of the picture (the orange thing) .

We all look horrendous on out passports, less so Alex as he wasn't either ill or a kid when it was taken.

Milkshakes at the airport. At the end you can here me say "this is being filmed on a just-lost camera", which though gay, is true, and I was lucky to get it back from the very-serious lost and found people that asked me if I could prove it was mine. I replied by describing the multitude of stickers plastered all over it.

Alex. Chewing something. As normal.
Cloud carpet

The sign on the windowscreen of the bus taking us to the hotel from the airport. That journey was so shitty, we were in the bus for about 2 to 3 hours, at about 2 hours even the teachers were over it, everyone was asking how long left and they were replying "Quarter of an hour" every time, 2 people had thown up, I ended up shouting at Alex because he was singing literal, absolute nonsense for twenty minutes, and I has had nothing to eat for dinner except 2 finger-sized breadsticks, a ham and lettuce roll and a miniroll. So rubbish. All that for a 2 star hotel as well, when we got there the rooms stank of chemicals and the toilets still smelt like shit.
The room.