Don't fall asleep with the camera strap around your hand, this happens.

I was optimistic about the day. Didn't know it would clear up and the plaza barrier would get ripped!
The sight that greeted me as the train pulled into Grantham, and stayed spitting on tables and mkaing us all feel throughly disgusted and ashamed throughout the journey.

The card I gave Tom. Fairly generic caption really!

The face of a be-gegged child caught getting off with a train ticket.

Brandon had brought his griptape pen, and so the declarations of forum love began...

...and went on...

...until Alex layed down the law.

Me and Alex noticed that if you look at the picture sideways, he could just have flipped a photo of a kickflip on the flat bottom of a really shallow mini. Doubt it though, Cardone rips!

Came out of Carphone Warehouse or some other phone shop after being told that the fancy phone wouldn't unlock because we were "too radical" and saw... Narnia! Fuck yes!

The great pimp Lord EdBed presiding over his lap dancing and late night bar/palace with the big birthday boy in tow!

The Bros minus me

The Bros minus Ryan (cheers Ryan!)

Fairly self explanatory!

BZ chuffed on his KFC, disgusting shit that it is.
BZ knew these, we didn't! Needless to say, Sam attempted to get with them, reuslting in a subtle brush off in the form of some sunglasses.

He had no neck and sounded like Kermit. And he was concinced he could stop us getting onto the train despite no (I think) working there!
Even BZ was baffled when trying to work out how a footballer constituted as a skateboard.

"Caption: he got off with a guy"
Yeah Eddy!
Man of the moment Gaz accepting his award (I can't remember what it was for, but it was meant to be to do with skating and it was actually a trophy with a footballer on it and something like "best trick" scrawled on it in marker pen.
Brandon getting cross eyed. Whilst burning my shoe. Yeah.

When he left the lighter under it so long we got worried the shoe would melt!

Burnt face man got an upgrade

The state of the table after Brandon had finished slapping his burnt sole (courtesy of me and him both) onto the table several times.

The mark left on the table from the aforementioned burnt shoe.

I put this one in for the plain reason that Alex looks like the elephant man!

Testing the shutter speed. As shown by the several hundred photos taken previously on this camera, it's shit.

The unexpeced gash BZ got when he ran into a chair during the game of hide and seek (yes, on a national rail train. It was a fairly mad journey, Tom and I noticed it was snowing, so I got off the train to catch some, and had to jump back on in quicksharp time because the doors started clto close! Anyway, Brandon didn't even know he'd done it, he just went "Ah, my side is really hurting now", pulled up his shirt, and there it was!