Saturday 29 November 2008

Crap Weekend

I'm not at the Miniramp Champs in Skeg this weekend, because I don't have the funds to go to that and next weekend for Tom Winter's birthday, so I'm stuck at home doing jobs and watching Youtube videos of Bacon Skateboards (have a look, they're really good!). Also, I've made myself (not) very popular on the Sidewalk forum. From what I can see started with me saying I didn't like most of the people that went to Brandon's birthday, and it snowballed from there. So I have to be nice about everyone on there from now on. And my parka's ripped a bit, and Story's closing down before I'm going to have enough cash that will actually be enough to help them. But the silver lining of staying at home is that I'm not going to get nailed for homework, and I'm getting money for jobs. As for everyone hating me on the forum, I'm working on that. As Wayoutskates responded to Blackysrob when he said "I'm new on the forum. STOKED!", "Give it a week."

Post of the day 8: Nick Powley has a blog! -

And I found this on it, pure genius!:

null - Watch more free videos

Friday 28 November 2008

Posts of the Day 6 and 7

6. Why are DLSR cameras so expensive? Because they sound impressive, but SLR (single lense reflex) technology has been around for quite a while. And people don't know that, so they pay lots when they can get the same quality picture with a good digicam!

7. Listen to Fleet Foxes.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Post of the Day 3, 4 and 5

3. When someone that knows what they are talking about tells you to do something, you do it
4. Affect is a verb, effect is a noun
5. If you put a boat distress rocket nose down in the ground and light it, it causes a lot of shaking in the ground, and when it goes off it makes a big crater and still shoots up a flare, only it only goes about 6 foot in the air, like a red explosion at head height.

Saturday 22 November 2008

The First Ever Post of the Day

I've decided that due to the extreme lack of interesting content for anyone that doesn't skateboard and/or knows BZ, that there needs to be something worthwhile on here. OK, not worthwhile, but something to look at that isn't a moving plank of wood with wheels. Post of the Day sounds good, so I'll do that.

Post of the Day Saturday 22rd November:
1. Keep on top of things always

Post of the Day Sunday 23rd November
2. Fully listen to an album before you buy it