Friday 31 October 2008

Surprise Hammers In The Cold At Skegness

I realise that this trip happened nearly a month ago, but I've had a lot to do (Shipman can attest to that,  Jekyll and Hyde now officially a time stealer). Because this trip was so long ago, you will probably be looking at half of these photos thinking "when was that?", and the other half thinking "I remember that!" with amazement that you actually can remember it...

Let's kick it off with some technological ineptness from Tom Winter!


Dom on the phone to Powley getting BZ's product package deals sorted out

Tom's new phone. It was pretty swish, so as he was a simple fellow from Grantham, he couldn't use it!



And it didn't even rain!

Worth reading, the metro

Check the moobs!

We got there, and our faith in WESC was immediately shaken by some mongo mongrels. One of them was actually quite good. Check the terrorist 2nd from the right. "Hey Bam! Bam! Skateboarding is not a crime!" - Brandon

Tom wondering what the point is of throwing a plastic head everywhere

Sam getting his radslash on

Launch it!

It's fun to throw plastic Corpse Bride heads about!

Said corpse bride head. With brain!

Sam showing that chickens do not like helmets!

Better than Martyn Hill? Not really, no!

Cheap version of the illuminations

Tom getting off at the idea of a clogged artery. Notice Dom's porker face getting stuck into his chicken in the background

The results of Sam's game of "Throw the leftover supposedly-chicken shit into the already full bin". Dom and Tom said that eating KFC is living (Dom was serious?!) just before they both proclaimed they had stomach cramps and resorted to bluetoothing each other for the rest of the journey.

Dom's disgusting, stinking train food

Sam's stolen train food

My nice train drink

Sam did...

...and afterwards

Dom Holmes inspects the case and declares, "Elementary my dear Watson, KFC causes downs!"

Quite a few bits of this trip I didn't blog, such as BZ's ripped arse on his trousers, Dom and getting properly angry at me stealing his childhood aka a chicken nugget, for which he was pissy with me for the rest of the trip, insisting that I pay him 20p! Once again, I realise this post is pretty much irrelevant because of the amount of time gone by since it actually happen, but I had a lot to do, and excuses excuses...