Monday, 31 August 2009

Brandon Crane's Nottingham Killing Rampage

Alex Shipman and I went to Nottingham the other day, and met up with Dom, Brandon and Brett (hmm...). Much fun was had, and we had the near-perfect day; getting kicked out only once (and that was after a while), finding all the spots we wanted to, and everyone getting all the tricks they wanted to. Even though Alex rolled his ankle, he said it was the best street skate he'd had, and I agree. His edit below:

More yak Skateboarding >>

Monday, 10 August 2009


Just got back from a just-over-2-week trip to America; for the first week and 6 days we were in Orlando, Florida, and the last 3 days we were in NY! I learnt two things in general for America; everything goes by the rule 'Bigger is better', and often the reason for something being the way it is or being where it is was simply "Because they could"! However ridiculous these things sound, it actually made for several amusing incidents and realisations; not least realising that was what was once the world's tallest building (the Empire State Building) was built just because 2 gents felt like being a bit grand! The results were always well worth it, such as the extravagant decoration of the themeparks; no paper-mache rocks here! The rides themselves were excellent and most had some sort of story. The amount of themeparks there were in Orlando was also staggering; including Disney you could easily spend 2 weeks of solid theme parks, or a month if you were doing it like we did (which I would recommend!)

My camera broke before we left on this trip, and so my usual blogging frenzy was hindered somewhat. Actually, I didn't have much luck with cameras on the trip: I didn't have one of my own, I lost mum's memory card to the streets of NY, and I forgot to take it up the Empire State. Whoops on my behalf I suppose!

Anyway, all being well, Facebook will allow my photos to go up, and I'll put together an NY edit. And I'm wise enough not to put a time limit on it, because I know I'll never hit whatever I say, even if it's a month from now!

P.S. And I met Luke and Will at Universal Studios and Cropper in Orlando! The most random thing ever!