Monday 20 April 2009


Last night was pretty much the definition of drinking for the sake of drinking; it couldn't have been anything else. Drinking most of a bottle of Bacardi Supreme because I could and it was there. It was fun being drunk, as anyone would say it is, but the results of it outside you're own perception of how you are is really shocking. You lose your dignity completely, and you become a complete idiot. For instance, running to get to where you said you'd be should normally be an easy thing. Drunk, it becomes ridiculous. I ran across a playground about 50 metres long, and nearly fell over. I missed the gate that was half open and ran full pelt instead into the knee-high fence next to it, going straight over and fucking my knee and shoulder (without even doing in my clothes?!). I don't know if I broke the gate or not, and I wouldn't be surprised if I did. Made it out of the school down past the pub, fell down the curb then up the curb, and then down then up again. I don't remember really, but I think I eventually got to near Alex's, where I met Jasmine. She told me Sarah had got picked up, but I didn't take it in. Then she said Sam had been sick and was lying on the floor in the park. So, back I went. Pulled him (and his trousers?) up with the help of Alex and Callan, and then off I went again. Got some of his puke from his hand on my shoulder as well, which I found in the morning. Anyway, got there are back without incident, and then Dad rang. Picked it up, talked, he immediately knew I was completely gone. I was even such a dick I decided I could pull off the "I'm not drunk, look, I'm fine" line. And there's the first incident of alcohol fucking you up and making you lose you're dignity in it's entirety. Got home, did the same with Mum, and all the time taking two attempts at picking something up or closing something, missing it the first time. Second incident. Went to bed, slept, vomited. Woke up, and freaked out. We've all heard "So-and-so choked on his own vomit and died". Third, and the most prominent, incident right there. It really hits you how much of a prick you've been when you realise you could have easily died if you hadn't had the dumb luck to fall to sleep on your side. Having a very screwed up stomach after that as well was horrible too, as I had no idea what I could do about it and it was actually preventing me from moving.

So, the point of this anecdote of embaressment and stupidity is that drinking because alcohol is there is beyond stupid. You lose your dignity, and people think you are a complete knob, and with good reason, because the state that you are in, you're a knob for getting yourself into. I'm never doing it again, because of the simple reasons that I'd prefer to know what I'm doing, remember it, not feel like shit or a feel like a dick in the morning, not have other people watch you thinking "What a twat, he thinks he's the shit", and not lose your dignity through over-consumption of fermented corn or whatever the hell Bacardi Supreme is.

"Old Red he died... an empty bottle of whisky lying by his side"

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Ben, bottesford and idiots

Spent the morning digging up mud and moving it...
...Into a big slug pile to make a raised flower bed. Dad wants the space where the mud was lowered so we can have another shed with all the bikes and the ride-one lawn mower in it, so we have room in the garage for another car, which looks like it's going to be a Maserati!

Ben being stoked on a traffic cone
Ben being stoked generally! (Even though this was just after the previous photo)

Martyn - "Haha, what the fuck is that?!"
me - "It's blogcam 5000!"
Ben - "Shut up, tell it you love it, to the camera!"

Alex being stoked on the new quarter/ flatbank with a coping

Monday 13 April 2009

Skiing in Italy - Day 3

Skiing in Italy – Day 2

No photos from the slopes until the very end, as I decided it would be better not to have a broken camera for the rest of the trip, so here’s some photos of the view and Alex being pissed off with a pair of goggles. Luckily he took 2; the other pair broke.




Monday 6 April 2009


Burton. Check out Wayne Rooney going for it on the left!

Portrait? Haha!

Miniramp champ,

Miniramp scamp.

Eddies new Facebook photo. They all seem to be taken by me; Blogcam 5000 getting around!

Or this one? Haha, neck chimpface!

"No, no." Yes Callan!

Haha, BZ's face!

Ignore Alex's back boneless, Callan's rideaway is so sick.


Dogpiss rock fakies = the stink grin.