A good start to the day. Traveling through heroin dens with tepid shandy and dandelion and burdock, and finding a porn dvd. It's let down was that it was from the Daily Sport or something, so it wasn't porn, it was munters on parade.
Hot bitches, no? No. Not at all. Dogs.
Accidental art

Lukas and EdBed, chillin' in high places!

Stoked on life! And cameras and tepid shandy.
God knows what the evening commuters must have thought!
The Bros. And a german hamster.
This is a well good picture! Although it is just a failed no comply wallie attempt...
Get down with the chicken dance!
Tools of the trade. Notice the knackered middle of Alex's deck, and then the fine sticker job on the nose!
Get running every day lad! Ed setting up for the run.
Alex and Lukas whilst filming my 180 hippy jump through the wire mesh fence on a truck.
A german ginger. Nice!
The boys
Alex loves the wacky baccy!
Geggs, German, and Devil's Child. Zoom in on Ginge's face to see why he decided that's what he is.
Let's go fucking skateboarding!
Worked at Asda, didn't here. Leapfrog, Lukas Walden. Haha, yeah skate caption!
"Shit get off, get off, AHHHH my eyes! I can't see!"
The aftermath. Shame this didn't appear in Shipman's blog, but it was really funny!
Check out EdBed's throat, and have nightmares! Then look at Alex and how tall he seems and laugh those nightmares away! Oh, and he's wearing my hat. And Lukas thinks he's Abraham Lincoln. And Shipman looks like he's punching himself in the bollocks! Haha, I love this photo!
Such a rad picture! I can't remember who's idea was, but it turned out really well! The bros, on the skate home.
Sasha was well indignant about my camera, she's so cheeky! Everyone dug in, and came out satisfied. Props to Lukas' mum for feeding the equivalent of the 5000!
I swear Lukas is gay for Deez, but then, he is the coolest dog ever. But he hates my head. So I'm not gay for him.
The good stuff. As Alex put it, "A pick and mix sweet surprise".
"What, so if he's ginger he's not normal?... Hey, I'm ginger, I'm your son!"
Let the nerding begin!
Lukas' hamster spent most of the night rolling about in this ball hitting things. Was hilarious(?)

Beauty and the cow. I look so gay in this.
"deedeedeedee, watch out for the meatballs!" Forgetting Sarah Marshall? I'd rather not. Check out Harry Potter getting in on the film!
Lukas (I think) making a break for it after complaining a lot about my speaking every thought I have whilst playing Xbox out loud
New Myspace photo for Alex? I'd have it if it was me...
Wakey wakey! (Notice Lukas becoming the new Bushbaby!)
Go on girls, you know you want him!
The boys on the way. Yeah Bob Marley. You'd have to be there to understand that one.
Alex is well stoked on his sticker job! Although he has almost completely covered the heroin face sticker on the right, the same with the blueprint one in the bottom left...
Guess the video?
2 clues: It's the Big Push and it's arty as fuck. Now you got it? Thought so.
Playing cards, drinking water. Well GNGSTR!
Rad graff, Shipman's bowlrider
That's optimistic innit? Film name, my bowlrider
Big 'uns, nice big 'uns as BZ would say. The kids in the background got hit with a bottle that rebounded off Dom's head after I threw it at him and it bounced away down the train.
Haha, look how small Ryan is! Look at Shipman's face! Look at Brandon contemplating his bacon bap!
Tom not stoked on having his overly salted chips interupted
BZ contemplating cutting off hands, and Dom bringing him to reality by reminding him that if he did that he wouldn't be able to tag anything and everything!
Fillin' up the tank

Brooooooooooooodown! Featuring Tom Pain, Martyn Hill, Jack Castle, Ryan, Alex, Brandon, and a triumphant-about-something-or-other Dom
Dom's magic floating bottle
"Ahhh, he's painted his nails, who's a little batty boy eh, who's a little batty boy!" - Marytn on Ryan's (flips the 6 in Alex's blog) nails. And he's 14, who'd have thought it!
Tom filming his BBC interview. nah, it's Alex filming the blog. If you've watched it, you'll notice that during this clip someone walks across the camera. That was me straight after this picture.
Every blog needs a bit of culture! Good innit!?
Dom enjoying a spot of lunch
The retards. This lot turned up when we were sat down, stayed for about 10 or 15 minutes, then buggered off. The funny thing was was that they were all complete messes. One of them was doing Mike V plants on the wall, cue Alex and I doing them as well. Another one was fat and had a large ginger mohawk. Another though he was in Towers of London and Slipknot at the same time. One time they ended up chasing after some emo kid with them because he had one of their bags. He ran past "Mike V", Mike stuck his arm out and nearly fell over badly despite him knowing that the bag was going to be on his arm. It was pretty confusing because we had no idea who's bag it was and they were all in one group, so it couldn't really have gone missing, but there you go! Here, Mike V shows us his one foot manual, and then proceeded to mongo push his way to a Mike V wall plant!
Tom said that seeing as I was doing so much blogging, I should be part of it, so he took a picture of me and Ginge being nice and civilized. A don't know if Alex knows that that his hand gesture above my head actually indicates healthy fertility (read Da Vinci Code if you want to try and prove me wrong).

Here we see Tom and Alex showing their love for the fisherman?!
Whereas here Alex and Dom took the opportunity to show their love for the fisherman a little violently!
retards again, yay!

Tom inspecting the retards. In the words of a certain ginger; "What the stinkfest armadillo!"
The fat bloke behind the fuck up on a (upside down) board was fat and had hair the colour of ginger diarrhea. To top it all of, he was wearing denim shorts that he had not-so-artfully cut up so you could see half of his fat legs, and one leg of his boxers through the holes. Needless to say, the piss was taken badly!

Crail fastplants? Meh, Mike V in the background must have rubbed off!

Alex took up the post of resident ninja for the trip
"Wow, look at that!" "What? Oh, fuck, a husky!"
"Blog that, BLOG THAT, he's going to do another Mike V plant!" This was so funny it made us cry! And they seemed to be impervious to the abuse we were shouting at them... strange.
Alex finally displays his indignation at arriving at the station an hour early due to yours truly thinking we were going to miss it by transforming his face into that of a ginger monkey!

I'll be honest on this one, Dom and Alex played strip poker for 5 minutes, getting as far as Alex's t-shirt before getting bored. Was funny, but a bit strange! Oh, and it was in full view of all the passengers, including Gary Glitter and NokiaText (Long story, ask later and/or watch Shipman's blog (see below)
Myspace pic? Probably...

Ah, Amy... Nah, she wasn't really any of our types (not even BZ!). She spent the journey screaming , asking where the fuck we were, and then denying it, and loudly extolling the virtues of Chris Brown.
Best trip to Skeg I've done, was well fun! Now that you've read all that (or just looked at the pictures), go watch Shipman's youtube blog, it's linked on the left (the picture of BZ).